A birdie told me

“Furthermore, in your bedchamber do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich man, for a bird of the heavens will carry the sound and the winged creature will make the matter known” (Ecclesiastes 10:20).

I still don’t know how my Mom found out. As a young boy I had done something I shouldn’t have done. But I didn’t worry. Mom would never find out, I thought. Wrong. She confronted me about it the very next day!

I got the nerve to ask her how she found out. “A birdie told me” was her reply. I still, to this day, do not know how she found out. I doubt, though, that some winged creature revealed it to her.

Solomon mentions something like this in Ecclesiastes 10:20. What does he mean by “the winged creature will make the matter known”? Solomon is using an ancient saying that is still popular today. In using this expression he is revealing several important truths:

First, we must appreciate the speed of words. We often say “good news travels fast.” But in this modern age of technology, news (good and bad) travels at speeds never before imagined. On my computer I can talk with a friend in the Ukraine. My message is instantly received by him and he responds immediately. Knowing, therefore, how quickly news gets out, we should choose our words carefully.
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Second, we must appreciate the power of words. We can say things – even in “confidence” (like our bedroom) – that can negatively affect us and others. Words do hurt, offend and kindle hard-feelings. Therefore it is vital that we guard what we say at all times – even in situations where we believe none will ever figure out what we say. Paul says that our speech should “always” be with grace (Col. 4:6). He tells the Ephesians “let no unwholesome word proceed out of your month” (Eph. 4:29). No qualifiers are allowed. There is no room for any words which are critical, derogatory or what might be classified as gossip.

Third, we must appreciate the appropriateness of words. Again, we’re reminded of Paul’s admonition to “consider how we ought to respond to every person” (Col. 4:6). In Solomon’s example a person wants to “curse” both a king and a rich man. What the king and the rich man did to provoke this curse is not stated. Let’s assume that they did something terrible, thus eliciting such a response from the man. But here is the point. Even though they may deserve the curse, it still shouldn’t be given – even by one in private. We should develop the quality of being “slow to speak” and “slow to anger” (Jas. 1:19). Is it ever appropriate to curse someone? To speak evil of someone? No! Solomon is warning about in inappropriateness of such words, even when spoken in private.

Fourth, we must appreciate the danger of words. A few verses earlier Solomon warned that “the lips of the fool consume him” (10:12). What will happen if the king and rich man find out what was said? It is assumed that it will not be good for the one who uttered the foolish curse. Jesus warned that if one cannot control his angry words he will get what he deserves (Matt. 5:21-26).

So what is the practical lesson to be learned? That we must learn to control our tongues! James spent considerable time making this very point in his epistle (Jas. 3). May we always exercise wisdom with our words, not only in what we say but where we say them.

–Denny Petrillo  

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