Baptized into Christ

When were you born again? Can you remember the day? I was baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:27) April 12, 1981 in Hayesville, NC. Although it’s not necessary to remember the date, I hope you do. It is a very significant date, second only to the date you were born physically. Jewell was born again on Independence Day; Ana was born again the day after Christmas. Both days will be easy for them to remember.

On January 4th of this year, thousands of Chinese couples chose to get married. Couples reportedly stood in line for hours so they could be married that particular Friday. Why? In Mandarin Chinese, “January 4, 2013” sounds like the phrase: “I will love you all my life.” That Friday developed a nickname in China – “love you forever day”.

August 12, 1995 was also special for me since it’s the day I declared my “forever love” to Rachel and we exchanged rings.

But, again, the most important day of one’s life is the day that he or she puts Christ on in baptism. It’s that new birth that prepares one for the second coming of Jesus Christ. It’s that day in which you declare “I love you forever” to God. It’s such an important day because it is a day of deep commitment with eternal ramifications.

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The day you were baptized is the day you declared to Jesus that you love Him more than your family. That you love Jesus more than your own life. That you are willing to bear your own cross, even if it means death. That you are willing to renounce everything you have in order to be His disciple. That’s the significance of your spiritual “love you forever day.”

Did you really mean it?

–Paul Holland

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