Burning Hearts: Preaching to the Affections

Preaching to the Affections

Following His resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Early on, they did not realize they were speaking with Him since “their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him” (Luke 24:16). While on that trip, Jesus explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures, beginning with Moses (vs 27). Wouldn’t you have loved to been listening to Christ talk about Himself?

Eventually, their eyes were opened, they recognized Who He was and then He vanished from their sight. Then, they marveled, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” (vs 32).

What a wonderful thought! What a tremendous challenge for preachers and teachers of the word – to explain the Scriptures in such a way that the audience’s heart “burns within them.” How can we accomplish that?

Josh Moody and Robin Weekes set out to help us learn how in their book Burning Hearts: Preaching to the Affections. At first sight, you might think the book was about preaching in such a way that the audience leaves filled with “fluff” but no substance. You might picture a man preaching in loafers, blue jeans, and a button-up. But that’s not at all what they intend.

In fact, in their conclusion, they emphasize: “We should not lower our commitment to biblical scholarship, critical thinking, careful exegesis, one iota. …[W]e should direct that message, according to the authentic genuine message of the passage, towards the hearers so that they (and we) have our hearts warmed, changed and moved towards life, to the praise and glory of God” (pg. 136).

First, they define “affections.” “Preaching to the affections means preaching that targets the heart” (pg. 15), which they appropriately define (biblically) so as to include the emotions, thoughts, and will.
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Next, they discuss preaching. They believe “the systematic, continuous exposition of the Scriptures is the most faithful way of preaching the Bible and ought, therefore, to be the staple diet of Christ’s church” (pg. 25). In other words, the main point of the sermon ought to be the main point of the selected passage.

Third, they talk about why we should preach to the affections. Then, they follow that with a discussion of how to preach to the affections: Find the affections in your selected text; Think of Christ through the text; Probe the heart from the text. (“We must remember that words, including sermons, do things to us – and not just on an emotional level. They educate, warn and encourage – not just make me feel happy or sad” pg. 57).

Preach the “pathos” of the passage – the emotions which the passage draws out, whether rejoicing, crying, or anger. Learn from those who preach to the affections.

At the end of the book, the authors give four sermons they have preached, with notes from each other in the text, interacting with the sermon to help the reader understand how to apply what they have presented.

If you get the opportunity, the book (it’s only 136 pages) could be beneficial in making you a better preacher or teacher. If we can get our audience’s “hearts to burn” within them, maybe their lives will be impacted for eternity.

–Paul Holland

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