Call of the Father Hosea 11:1-11

Do you have a child who is not faithful to Christ? Maybe you have a son or daughter who was brought up in the church but they are no longer worshiping as they should. Satan has so many avenues through which he can deceive us into believing that what we are doing is godly when, in fact, it is not godly.

But, when our children become unfaithful, we learn from God to keep calling.

God is referring here to the time when God created Israel as a nation at mount Sinai. They had served for a few generations in the land of Egypt as slaves but God called them out, to mount Sinai.

Let your wayward child know that you want him/her to come home.

Israel had moved away from the law God had given. It was not long after God called them out of Egypt and led them through the Red Sea on dry land until they made a golden calf and began worshipping it! From that point, Israel’s history is one long affair with one false god after another. That’s why Hosea uses the imagery of spiritual adultery so frequently.

Let your unfaithful child know that their lifestyle is not pleasing to God. You have to walk the line between saying too little and saying too much. Pray for wisdom in the matter.

Observe the statement, “they did not know that I healed them.” Ignorance was a large part of Israel’s problem.

Remind your child of the blessings you provided while they were growing and the blessings they miss outside of Christ.

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Because of their rebellion, God would discipline them. Sometimes, you have to let a child hit rock bottom, the bottom of the barrel, before he or she will realize what they had before, what they are missing.

While you cannot discipline an adult child, you should not encourage or enable him/her to continue living a life of sin. If they choose to do that, let them do it without your support, financial or otherwise.

But, nothing is as strong as the love a parent has for a child and nothing is stronger than the love God has for His children. Regardless how far away God’s children have wandered, God is willing to accept them back. God’s arms will remain stretched out to receive the prodigal son until the final trumpet will sound.

Remind your wayward child of your continued, unconditional love.

God knows that Israel will return. Some of the nation of Israel will be saved, one day, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Pray your unfaithful child will return. Then be prepared for the unexpected.

God still calls the prodigal to come home. Be patient. God’s not finished working yet.

–Paul Holland

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