Elders not given to much wine

Elders are not be brawlers – Prov. 4:11-15

1 TIM. 3:3 AND TIT. 1:7.
i) 1 Tim. 3:3 – Paul said no elder should be a “brawler.”
ii) The KJV words the thought as, “not given to wine.”

2) These two translations are based on a single term that is found only in 1 Tim. 3:3 and Tit. 1:7.
3) If we were to look at this word in its original form, we would that it has two parts (i.e. it is a compound word).
4) Compound words are really neat words because they can express so much information.
5) “Bethlehem” is made up of two Hebrew words; the first means “house” and the 2d means “bread.”

6) When we look at “no brawling” when it comes to elders in 1 Tim. 3:2 and Tit. 1:7 we have a compound word.
7) The first part of this term means “beside.”
i) The second half of the word used in 1 Tim. 3:3 and Tit. 1:7 is a word which is often rendered “wine.”
ii) When we put the two parts of the word together in 1 Tim. 3:2 and Tit. 1:7, we come up with this meaning:
iii) An elder is to be a person who is not to be “beside wine.”

8) What did Paul mean when he said an elder is not to be “beside” wine?
9) Some Christians have concluded that a man might be “beside” the bottle, but not become intoxicated.
10) Would we view the brother who sells auto parts any differently than the one who sells liquor?
i) Back in 1 Tim. 3:2 Paul said an elder is to be “blameless” (no glaring faults).
ii) We likely would not have much fault for the auto parts store owner, but what about the liquor store owner?

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1) Suppose an elder is invited to a gathering where he is sure or pretty sure there will be significant drinking.
2) What should the elder do since he is an environment which puts him beside the wine?
3) The Bible specifically says an elder is to be “no brawler” (he is not to be “beside the wine”).
4) some men might choose to say “no” to some events.
5) Declining to attend, however, is not necessarily the only available option for an elder.
i) God does not intend for His people to simply withdraw from society.
ii) Deity does expect us to make it clear to society that we are not “of” the world.

6) An elder might go to a function where alcohol is flowing freely, but he avoids being “beside the wine.”


1) Many live so alcohol is almost always close at hand.
2) If a man is “beside the wine” he is not the type of person God wants to serve as an elder.
3) This quality – “avoid being beside the wine – means what it says.
4) Elders are to be people who are not “beside the wine,” but every Christian needs to also model this trait.
5) Refusing to be “beside the wine” needs to begin with our young people.

6) The next time were are given an opportunity to “be beside the bottle,” think about whose will that is.



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