Have I committed the unpardonable sin?

The Unpardonable Sin – Matthew 12:31-32

Many people today worry that they might commit such a sin. So, let’s examine this text in its context and learn what Jesus intended by what He said…

THE BACKGROUND – 12:22-24:
First, Jesus heals this man who was blind and mute. This man’s problems were caused by demons, by evil spirits, messengers of Satan.
Second, the average person in the crowd was meditating on the appropriate conclusion that Jesus was the “Son of David.”
Third, the Pharisees draw the exact opposite conclusion. He was casting out demons by the ruler of the demons, whom the Jews called at that time “Beelzebul.”

Jesus’ first point is that division is destructive. Speaking in a broad principle, a “kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.”

Then, Jesus makes a specific application of the broad principle. If one of Satan’s messengers (a demon) is dwelling in someone, then Satan is accomplishing what he hopes to accomplish. Why would he, then, cast out his own messenger?

Then, Jesus applies the specific application to His audience and impales them on their own sword: “by whom do your sons cast them out?”

On the contrary, Jesus begins drawing out the lesson to be learned from Him casting out evil spirits: “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” That is, if Jesus was Who He claimed to be – the Son of God on earth – then all the Jews should know that the kingdom prophesied in the Old Testament was about to be established.
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The point is, Jesus is not a messenger of Satan. Rather, Jesus is the “Son of David,” the Son of God, more powerful than Satan, come not just to bind Satan but to destroy Him and His works, His power over men and women.

Finally, and this is not the end of Jesus’ message to the Pharisees as we see it actually extends down through verse 45 but verse 32 is as far as we will study this morning — Jesus makes this rather famous statement about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

In our broader context, verse 18, Matthew tells us that Jesus fulfilled a prophecy by the prophet Isaiah (42:1-3) that the Holy Spirit would come over Him and He would bring justice into the world.

In our immediate context, Jesus mentions the Holy Spirit, of course, in verse 28. That is, Jesus said clearly that He cast out demons by the power of the Spirit of God (cf. Luke 4:14).

So, in making this statement, Jesus is clearly saying that He is operating with the full authority and power of God. But that power and authority are made available through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the power behind the miracles of Jesus which proved Who He was.

Jesus’ point to His audience is, “You can criticize Me; but don’t criticize the source of the miracles.” They might slander Jesus for being from Nazareth, or from Galilee, or being poor, etc. Of course, if someone were to accept the source of the miracles then they would accept Jesus as the Son of God and their Savior. Ultimately, the two go hand-in-hand.

Today, then, if we were to reject the message of the Holy Spirit as He guides us through His word to believe and obey Jesus Christ, we would be guilty of the same thing the Pharisees were doing – ignoring the power of the testimony the Spirit has provided about Jesus Christ.

–Paul Holland

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