How to preach on church hymns

1) We start with page 120 – “give me the Bible.”
a) The Bible is necessary because it helps us “tell them of Jesus” (hymn 1a).
b) Giving people the Bible causes people to say “I will sing of my redeemer” (p. 232) because
c) ………..“I know whom I have believed” (p. 237).
d) Since He (Jesus) loves me” (p. 167), “I love my savior, too” (p. 234).
e) This Jesus died, but now “He lives” (p. 166).
f) All must “needs go home by the way of the cross – there is no other way” (p. 228).
2) When we tell the story of the Lord, we think of God’s “amazing grace” (p. 12).
3) We learn about the one who “bore it all” (p. 158) and how we have a “Wonderful Savior” (p. 2).
4) Through the Bible we learn about the “fairest Lord Jesus” (p. 102) who says “I gave my life for thee” (p. 159).
5) We “stand amazed” (p. 114) because of God’s goodness and greatness.
6) Our amazement “keeps me singing” (p. 163).
7) “God is the fountain whence” 10,000 blessings flow (p. 134) AND
8) “I know that my redeemer lives” (p. 218).
9) Because God is so wonderful, “Come let us all unite to sing” that God is love (p. 72).
10) It is “by Christ” that we are “redeemed” (p. 52).
11) It is through the Lord that we have “heavenly sunlight” (p. 168).
12) We tell people “Bring Christ your broken life” (p. 62) and He will fix it.
13) God’s “gospel – the power to fix lives – is for all” (p. 88).
14) It is for these reasons that we have the hymn on page 107: “follow me.”
15) Thus, “I will be a friend to Jesus” (p. 246) and “go where He wants me to go” (p. 247).
16) Alas and did my Savior bleed (p. 6) is one of the reasons we want to be the Lord’s friend.
17) Because the Lord loved us, we now respond with “My Jesus, I love thee” (p. 142).
18) All to Jesus I surrender (p. 10) because “I love thy kingdom Lord” (p. 224).
19) Our attitude is “Have thine own way” Lord” (p. 169).
20) We think and act in these says because we are a “new creature” (p. 14).
a) The one who becomes a Christian says “He’s my King” (p. 175).
b) People seek Jesus because man’s “burdens are lifted at Calvary” (p. 50).
c) “How shall the young secure their hearts” (p. 179); this question is answered by Jesus.
d) You can old can obey so they will one day “Dwell in Beulah land” (p. 89).
21) Some ask “Is it for me dear savior” (p. 192) and the answer to this question is “yes.”
22) “His graces reaches me” (p. 180) is a message taught throughout the New Testament.
23) All can have access to the “hilltops of glory” (p. 181) and the “home of the soul” (p. 191).
24) Each one can have the “rock of ages” (p. 182) if Jesus “is our everything and all” (p. 185).
25) If this is the way we choose, we need to think “I want to be a worker for the Lord” (p. 230).
26) Some may think the Christian way is too hard, but “His yoke is easy” (p. 193).
27) “How beautiful heaven must be” (p. 194).
28) “I have heard of a land” (p. 208) where we “never grow old.”
29) To get to heaven we must practice, “I am thine, O Lord” (p. 203).
30) Not everyone may want to go with us; thus, “I come to the garden alone” (p. 210).
31) Surrendering to Christ means we avoid things like the “angry words” described on page 23.
32) We seek “more holiness” (p. 109) because God is “holy, holy, holy” (p. 186).
33) This way of life will lead to “precious memories” (p. 213).
34) To have these memories we must say “take my life and let it be” (p. 111).
35) We must say “Jesus, keep me near the cross” (p. 283).
36) “He leadeth me” (p. 157) if we follow the “footprints of Jesus” (p. 113).
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38) The Christian life also means “Anywhere is home” (p. 24) AND
39) “Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go because anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid” (p. 25).
40) In fact, for the Christian, life is as we sing on page 26: “All the way my Savior leads me.”
41) We sing “be with me, Lord” (p. 32) and “Jesus hold my hand” (p. 277).
42) God will be with us if “I’m not ashamed to own my Lord” (p. 256).
43) We have the “blessed assurance” (p. 43), even “beyond this land of parting” (p. 45).
44) “Each step I take” God will be with me (p. 94) if “Jesus is all the world to me” (p. 276).
45) “Earth holds no treasures” (p. 95) for us because our “hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood (p. 475).
46) For now we are “encamped along the hills of light” (p. 97); here we are but straying pilgrims” (p. 216).
47) A time will come when we will be “face to face” with God (p. 98).
48) At the present time we need to “pray before we leave our room in the morning” (p. 100) because
49) “I need thee every hour” (p. 257).
50) Because of what God has done, presently does, and will do, “to God be the glory” (p. 15).
51) We must seek to praise the “Almighty King” (p. 67).
52) “I will sing the wondrous story” (p. 145), so “Hallelujah, praise Jehovah” (p. 148).
53) As we approach God we “do all in the name of the Lord” (p. 76).
54) Part of what God has commanded is the “Lord’s Supper” (p. 105).
55) Blessed be the tie that binds (p. 46).
56) “How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, when those that love the Lord fulfill the word” (p. 195).
57) “God be with you” till we meet again (p. 127).
58) “If we never meet again” (p. 239) things will be okay because all will be “listening for their name” (p. 240).
59) We not only want to glorify God, we want to be a “soul winner for Jesus” (p. 18).
60) “Christ for the world we sing” (p. 60).
61) God’s people seek to be those who are “bringing in the sheaves” (p. 56).
62) We obey because we want to go to “the land of fadeless day” (p. 262).
63) “Jesus is calling” (p. 278), “Is our heart right with God” (p. 226), so “it is well with my soul” (p. 280).
64) We need to be right with God because one day we will “fly away” (p. 243).
65) “I will live in glory” some day (p. 248) if I “hold to God’s unchanging hand” (p. 249).
66) Salvation involves “living by faith” (p. 286) but some are only “almost persuaded” (p. 21).
67) Almost is not good enough.
68) “Jesus paid it all” (p. 288), but we must respond to the plan God has given in His word.
69) “I hear the savior say” (p. 289) and “Hark! The gentle” voice of Jesus falleth (p. 149).
70) “Jesus is tenderly calling” (p. 143), but some cover their ears.
71) Jesus says “I am the vine” (p. 292) and we need to be one of the “branches.”
72) “God shall wipe away all tears” for the saved one day (p. 136), but this promise is not for the unsaved.
73) “Jesus the loving shepherd” (p. 294) waits and pleads; we decide if we will be one of His sheep.
74) Our attitude needs to be “I have decided to follow Jesus” (p. 299).
a) When it comes to worship, singing has a special place.
b) Col. 3:16 says Christians are to “teach and admonish one another.”
i) Paul then explained how this teaching and admonishing is to be done: Singing.
ii) Paul said use psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to teach and admonish.
iii) Eph. 5:19 says we are to use songs to “speak” to one another.
iv) Singing should be a rich part of our worship.

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