I Do not Trust You

According to one poll, the least trusted professions (beginning with the least) are: politicians, car salespeople, advertisers, business men, lawyers, and bankers.

Why do we not trust these people? Because they (as a group) have broken their word, violated the trust we placed in them, one too many times. Trust means “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”

Certainly there are honest politicians (theoretically, I guess), honest car salesmen, honest advertisers, honest business men, honest lawyers, and honest bankers. I know some in almost all of these categories.

Why do we trust these (the individuals) when we don’t trust those (the group as a whole)? Because, again, they have violated their word, broken the trust, too many times.

The individuals in those groups whom I trust are Christians. That gives me a strong motivation to trust them. If they are serious about honoring Jesus Christ, then they are going to be trustworthy in reflecting His nature – which is Truth (John 14:6). That does not mean they will be perfect but if they mess up, they’ll confess and make things right. That’s how we keep someone’s trust.

People will doubt us because others have broken their trust.

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Proverbs 11:13 – “He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is trustworthy conceals a matter.” So, prove yourself trustworthy by keeping secrets.

Proverbs 14:5 – “A trustworthy witness will not lie, But a false witness utters lies.” Prove yourself trustworthy by not lying and telling the truth.

Proverbs 20:6 – “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, But who can find a trustworthy man?” Prove yourself trustworthy by proving yourself trustworthy. Refrain from proclaiming your loyalty and prove your loyalty.

In short, if we want to be trustworthy, then we have to show ourselves worthy of trust. With some people, that will be easy. But with others, especially with some who have had trust broken far too many times, it will take patience.

But, if we are persistent and consistent, trust will come.

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