Leaving a Legacy: Gentleness

    Holly Dunn wrote and sang this song, titled “Daddy’s Hands.” Here’s the first verse and the chorus:

I remember Daddy’s hands, folded silently in prayer
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare
You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind

Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was cryin’
Daddy’s hands, were hard as steel when I’d done wrong
Daddy’s hands, weren’t always gentle But I’ve come to understand
There was always love in Daddy’s hands

    As I grew older, the gentleness in dad’s hands came through in his hand shake – the hand shake of a father proud of his son. Or even a hug. Once your dad passes away, you wish you could hug him one last time.

    What legacy, Dads, are we leaving our children? Consider leaving a legacy of gentleness. How does gentleness look like in the father/child relationship? Here are some ideas… 

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    It is not losing your cool. You do not treat your family the way you treat your co-workers. You treat them better. 

    Dads, rarely do we have to discipline so rapidly that we can’t take time to calm down and think about what we are doing. Is the response appropriate? Is the discipline appropriate? In words or actions, look to God’s example and see where God did not always respond immediately.


    Do we have real expectations of each child? Or do we treat our children unfairly?

    Make sure you treat your kids fairly. God is fair and He will always do what is right (Genesis 18:25). We are not God so we are not always right. But if we will be patient, we can be more thoughtful and therefore, more fair.


    Are you strict in your discipline one day – maybe because you had a bad day at work or perhaps you just had a spat with your wife? But the next day, your child does the exact same wrong thing and you laugh at it and shrug it off? If you discipline like that, your children don’t know what to expect from one day to the next. And the minute they hear you at the door, they’ll cringe, not knowing what mood you’re going to be in. That’s like rearranging the furniture in the home of a blind person. They never know when they’re going to run into something.

    That’s what we can do with our children if we are not consistent in our response to them. Gentleness is consistent. When we pass away, our children might say, “Man, I never knew what to expect out of my dad!” That would be a poor legacy to leave behind. No matter how tired you are or how preoccupied you are, don’t be a “Dr. Jekyll” one day and a “Mr. Hyde” the next.

    Just a few thoughts on leaving a lasting legacy of gentleness.

–Paul Holland

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