Science vs. Evolution

Years ago, while a student in the graduate education program at Freed-Hardeman, I had a class in developing curriculum. To get an “A” in the class, we had to propose a major project, get it approved, and then work on developing the project during the course of the semester. Since my background was in Bible and biology, evolution has always been an interest. So, I proposed to my instructor to develop the major outline of a unit on evolution that critiques evolution from an entirely scientific perspective which could be taught in a public classroom. He accepted the proposal and I received an “A” on that project.

Dr. Jeff Miller has recently written a book that would provide a substantial resource for such a curriculum. His book, Science vs. Evolution, takes a look at several major scientific laws and shows how they invariably refute the theory of evolution. Although Miller has done extensive work in bio-thermal sciences and biomechanics, he writes on a level that the average adult can understand (not always true of Stephen Meyer’s book, Darwin’s Doubt which is heavy in biological and genetic terms).

Miller does not argue for creation by saying, “Genesis 1:1 says God created the earth. God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” A scientist would look at our world from the perspective of the laws of science. Philosophers of science have long argued that the law of rationality, the law of excluded middle, and similar laws of thought have argued against the theory of evolution. Miller’s book is unique (at least among my library books) in that he looks at laws of science.

So, Miller emphasizes in chapter 1 that “laws” are unchangeable and undeniable. They have stood the test of time. Then, in chapters 2 and following, he examines the laws of energy (thermodynamics), the law of causality, probability, biogenesis, and genetics.

You can understand Miller’s book without having a strong education in the sciences. He explains concepts well and uses common illustrations to help get the point across. This book could be used in a high school classroom as well as a college level class and above. It is printed in color, which makes it more attractive and appealing to the modern millennial. Chapters have review questions, making it helpful in the class.
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Half the book is a review of scientific laws but the other half deals with frequent “quibbles” against the Christians’ arguments. Chapters in the front of the book refer the reader to such discussions in the back of the book, making for a more thorough discussion of the concepts.

Throughout the book, Miller makes reference to the work at Apologetics Press. If you share this book with others who are asking questions, give them this book. Should they go to AP’s website, the questioner may just learn even more than they anticipated.

Share the book with children and grandchildren in high school or college. Share it with friends and family who are needing a firm foundation. Share it with co-workers who are atheists. They’ll have a hard time arguing with the truth as Miller presents it.

–Paul Holland

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