Spiritual Life Support

1)    Rev. 3:1-2 – READ
2)    John wrote to a church that was hanging on by a thread.
3)    The congregation at Sardis had for the most part lost its spiritual life.
4)    What caused these Christians to fall so far John said they were nearly dead?
5)    What will cause God’s people today to experience this same type of problem?
6)    Without regular attention our spiritual lives can dwindle to the point where we are on life support.


a)    God’s word.
b)    In Jn. 5:39 the Lord spoke about “searching” the Scriptures.
c)    If we do not want to see a serious spiritual decline in our lives, we need to spend time with the Bible.
2)    Deut. 11:18 speaks about “laying up God’s word in the heart and in the soul.”
3)    Josh. 1:8 – READ
4)    Acts 17:11 speaks favorably of some people who “examined the scriptures daily.”
5)    The Bible is the “word of life” (Phil. 2:16) and this word is not optional.
6)    If we are not immersing ourselves in the study and application of God’s word, we are going to shrivel.
7)    A second way to avoid spiritual life support is through prayer.
a)    12:12– READ
8)    Prayer is something to be “continued” in – it is something to be “steadfast” in.
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a)    Here Jude spoke of “keeping ourselves in the love of God.”
b)    A paraphrase expresses the thought as “Staying always within the boundaries.”


1)    People can end upon on life support in the physical realm a couple of different ways.
2)    In some cases there is an accident which instantly and drastically alters a person’s health.
3)    In other situations life support is something that comes after a prolonged series of problems.
4)    God has some solutions to keep us from drifting and avoiding a condition where our spiritual is about gone.
a)    READ  Rev. 3:1-2
b)    After a person becomes a Christian he or she needs to “watch.”
5)    In many cases people want to watch the spiritual life of someone else.
6)    The second key word in Rev. 3:1-2 is “establish.”
7)    John told these Christians to “strengthen” the little that remained.
8)    We do not need to let the little part of our spiritual life continue to wilt and eventually die.
9)    God says we can take the small amount of spiritual life that we have – maybe just a tiny spark –
10)    And this small amount of spiritual interest and commitment can be strengthened.
11)    If we were to sit down right now and rate our spiritual life, what would an honest assessment reveal?

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