The Centurion’s Faith – Luke 7:1-10

Abortions. Addictions. Bitterness. Depression. Sexual abuse. Guilt. Worry. We or our friends suffer from any number of mental anxieties that cause us problems. Social problems. Financial problems. Mental problems. Emotional problems. Spiritual problems.
The centurion in Luke 7 had a servant (friend) who had a problem. Jesus heals the problem but He does so, responding to the centurion’s humble faith in Christ.

A centurion was a military officer supervising normally 100 soldiers under him. He may have been comparable to a lieutenant. This servant was close to the centurion’s heart; probably because he had worked hard for his boss.

The centurion was a man of compassion, even for those who were below him in many ways. “Walk in love,” Paul tells the Christians in Ephesus (5:2). We have people all around us who are hurting and in need of healing. Let us, like this centurion, be people of compassion and walk in love.

THE SAVIOR – 7:3-5:
Being a non-Jew, he did not feel worthy to come into Jesus’ presence. He felt Jesus might be more likely to answer his prayer/plea if he sent Jews to Jesus.

People need to hear about Jesus and they need to go to Jesus to find healing. Many people say they know “Jesus” but they do not “know” Jesus. They do not read His word; they do not know what He expects out of them; they are both ignorant of His word and neglectful in their obedience to Him.

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Pride is the enemy of man and the enemy of happiness. It is the enemy of our relationship with God (Prov. 16:18).

Let us not despise the word of Jesus! Not on the plan of salvation or worship or the Christian lifestyle. Encourage friends to come to Jesus with this same type of humble faith.

THE BLESSING – 7:9-10:
Because of the centurion’s humble attitude toward Jesus and respect for His authority, Jesus blesses the centurion by healing His servant.
Distance is no barrier to the power of the word of God. If we will come humbly to Christ with an obedient faith, we too can find the blessings we need.
With what do our friends suffer? Discouragement? Divorce? Forgiveness? Grief and Loss? Loneliness? When we can get them to come to Jesus, they can find the healing and hope they need to heal. The power, the authority to bless, is in His hands.

If you have a challenge, go to the Savior with humble faith and you will be blessed.

Paul Holland

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