The word “obey” in the Bible

The “Fellow-ship”

A document has found its way into my hands. Some of you may recognize it. I know the author but as the material that came to me was anonymous, I’ll leave it that way. Regardless, the thoughts of the document demand refutal, indifferent to its author.

The author proposes that all “Christians” are on the same boat together. Some are in the “bow;” some are in the “stern.” Yet, we are all on the same ship, moving the same direction and we should not allow our denominational differences to get in the way of unity.

First, we must understand that illustrations do not prove doctrine. They can only illustrate doctrine. The author’s fundamental error in his illustration is the very first sentence: “God has enlisted us in his army and placed us on his ship.” By what means does God place us on his ship? Through what means does God extend to us fellowship?

This author is dishonoring Jesus Christ by suggesting that obedience is an option. We can pick and chose what we want to obey and then “accept” everyone who does not obey Paul’s writings (see 2 Thessalonians 3:14). How blasphemous!

This author also makes a mockery of Jesus’ emphasis on obedience and Truth. The word “obey” is used 169 times in the Bible (ESV), 33 times in the New Testament. “Obedience” is found 19 times in the New Testament. Does anyone who claims to be a Christian believe obedience is optional? Does that not imply we can and must know the Truth? “Truth” is found 101 times in the New Testament. “Teaching” is found 120 times. “Preaching” is found 77 times. Can we not know the Truth? Can we not obey that Truth?

John 1:18 says, “No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.” Jesus is God. Is this verse hard to understand? Why can’t Jehovah’s Witnesses not understand this verse? What is the fundamental problem!?

Because this author has created his own god to serve and worship, he fundamentally misses one fact: God demands we obey His word. “We each followed him across the gangplank of his grace onto the same boat.” That is true only if we have obeyed Jesus (Mark 16:16); obeyed Peter (Acts 2:38); obeyed Paul (Col. 2:11-12). This man obliterates all obedience out of the New Testament and is suggesting – through “smooth and flattering speech” (see Romans 16:18) – that if someone “calls on the name of the Lord” without submitting to His law, then he can be saved (contra Matthew 7:21-23).
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“There is one captain and one destination.” That is absolutely true. But, to reemphasize the point, there is also only one plan of salvation. No man has a right to “make up” his own plan of salvation to get on the “boat.” Remember that it was God who closed the door of the ark (Genesis 7:16). Neither you, this author, nor I have the right to decide what can and what cannot be obeyed in order to be pleasing to God.

The author laments also the “plethora of opinions” that contribute to this “disharmony.” Who died and left this man in charge to say that Mark 16:16 is opinion? Who died and left this man in charge to say that Acts 2:38 is opinion? The solution to “disharmony” and a “plethora of opinions” is not to be found in disgracing Jesus Christ by setting aside His doctrine.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:10 what the solution is. Everyone needs to stop teaching doctrines not found in the New Testament; stop using names and designations and titles not found in the New Testament; stop making laws not found in the New Testament and start obeying Jesus Christ and His inspired apostles. Let us do what the New Testament says to do as we study the context of each individual command of Jesus!

In this whole discussion, the author is correct to quote the words of Jesus from John 17:20. But then he disgraces Jesus by setting the “unity” over and above the basis for that unity. The basis, in the words of Jesus, is not “harmony in the midst of diversity” or “agreeing to disagree” or “acceptance, acceptance, acceptance.” That’s what this author’s “god” says. But that’s not what my Lord and your Lord said. Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, said that we will be “one” “through their [the apostles’, p.h.] word.”

Unity is based on our humble submission to the teachings of Jesus Christ through His inspired apostles, and in no other way. And I cannot have fellowship with someone who is not teaching that same doctrine (2 Thessalonians 3:14), otherwise, I’m condemned by God (Galatians 1:8-9; James 3:1).

May each of us see God’s Truth in contrast with Satan’s flattering lies.

–Paul Holland

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