This baby was… known to God

Known But to God

The Arlington National Cemetery is well known for its tomb to the unknown soldier, memorializing all the service members who have died unidentified. After the United States created the memorial following World War I, many nations have done the same.

On May 1, some 250 people gathered to mourn at the graveside of a little baby, no more than six weeks old. He was found dead on a bicycle path two years ago. No one came forward to claim the body and DNA studies did not identify any parents. This all happened in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Those who were at the ceremony said that many tears were shed. According to police reports, apparently the baby was healthy before he was abandoned. A tombstone will be erected with an inscription: “This baby was… known to God.”

David writes: “For he who avenges blood is mindful of them; he does not forget the cry of the afflicted” (Psalm 9:12). If there is one thing the Old Testament is clear on it is that God is concerned about the defenseless, the afflicted.

No one is more defenseless than a baby in his mother’s womb or a child who is still too small and weak to defend himself/herself. “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:16-17).
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It is horrific that so many Americans believe that shedding the innocent blood of the unborn and defenseless is the same thing, a moral equivalent, to trimming one’s fingernails. Fundamentally, I believe they know they are wrong, that they are twisting the truth. How can any woman feel the baby moving in her body and not know that baby is a living, breathing human being.

God still hates hands that shed innocent blood. No amount of TV personality will change that. No man (or woman) sitting in the Oval Office will change that.

That little baby is “known but to God.” Millions of babies have been similarly treated in this country and around the world. God holds those babies in His arms, to be sure. But He also holds the murderer’s sins against them, without a doubt.

When a person refuses to acknowledge God, his mind becomes filled with murder (Romans 1:28-29). That person is worthy of death, in Paul’s words, but so also is the one who “gives hearty approval to those who practice them” (1:32).

–Paul Holland

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