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Looking for Trust in All the Wrong Places

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Jeremiah was taken to Egypt, despite God’s warnings that the Jews needed to submit to Babylon and take their medicine, so to speak. The pagan nation of Babylon was taking over Palestine, taking their leaders into exile. Some Jews escaped and fled to Egypt, seeking refuge – despite Jeremiah preaching otherwise. They hauled him off with them.

God’s word was still powerful and active in Egypt. It came to Jeremiah, for the Jews living in Egypt. We read about it in Jeremiah 44. Jeremiah tells the Jews who were in Egypt – “You yourselves have seen all the calamity that I have brought on Jerusalem” – because of their sins. Verse 3 says they burnt sacrifices and served other gods. God had sent preachers (prophets) to them time and again but the Jews ignored God’s spokesmen.

Yet even in Egypt, they had not learned their lesson. They continued to burn sacrifices to false gods, even in Egypt – verse 8. Observe in verse 9 the reason they were in Egypt and the reason the Babylonians had taken them captive. “Wickedness” is found five times in that one verse. But the Israelites were not contrite (verse 10). Therefore, God would punish Israel even in Egypt! They could not escape from His wrath.

How did the Jews respond to Jeremiah’s preaching? Beginning in verse 15, the text says they responded, “We are not going to listen to you!” They announce they will still burn sacrifices to the “queen of heaven”, just like their ancestors had done. “For then we had plenty of food and were well off and saw no misfortune.” They answered Jeremiah by saying that the reason why these misfortunes had come upon them was because they had quit worshipping the “queen of heaven!” (verse 18)  Sometimes even God’s people get the Truth turned upside down!

An article in USA Today once reported that these uncertain economic times compel more people to seek different sources of guidance, such as psychics. “After all, if the times aren’t normal, why not try the paranormal?” writes the article’s author. I remember seeing a poster in Bible class years ago which said, “Why trust in the stars when you can trust in the God who made the stars?”

Psychics, to some people, are the modern day gods similar to the Israelites’ gods of silver, stone, and wood. God’s message to us today, in the midst of these economic challenges, is the same message he sent through Jeremiah to His people of old: “Hear the word of the Lord” (44:24) and “trust in the Lord” (17:7).
–Paul Holland

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