1 Corinthians 12:19-24

Madison’s Slaves Played a Role

James Madison was the primary author of our U. S. Constitution. The winter before the great debates on the Constitution, Madison read some 400 books on the history of various empires and their governments. He wanted to know what made their governments strong and what weakened them. Four hundred books. In six or seven languages. He was a remarkable man and accomplished a great deal that winter.

Think, now, about his slaves. Madison owned slaves who worked his plantation. The work the slaves did for Madison is immeasurable. They kept his home going, running, operating so that he could devote his energy and attention to developing a Constitution for this new country. It may be safe to say that Madison could not have accomplished what he did if he had not had the same to devote to his study and research. The role the slaves served is remarkable.

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Whether in the home, the church, or our country, we each have a role to play. If we don’t serve in the role we’re suitable for, others can’t serve in the role they are suitable for. But when we all serve in our respective spheres, a lot can be accomplished. Your role may not be visible; it may not be glamorous – but if it’s God’s role for your life, you’ll be blessed by Him one day.

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