America Needs the Bible for the Family – Part 1

The Bible has long had a strong influence on the culture of America and her very character. That is the essence of our yearly study in 2016: “America Needs the Bible.” This influence has also been seen in the historical American view of gender roles, sex, marriage, and family life.


It was Jesus who came along and elevated marriage – the husband and wife relationship – back to where God had always intended it to be. Read Matthew 19:3-9 just to get the teaching of Jesus in front of you.

The one thing that Jesus put back into God’s original marriage law that Moses’s law did have was monogamy. Monogamy is a distinctively Christian idea (actually based on the creation event as Jesus shows us in Matthew 19). One man. One woman. For life.

Monogamy is not a Jewish concept. It is not a Hindu concept (Monogamy only entered Hindu marriage laws in 1956). It is not a Buddhist concept. It is not an Islamic concept. As other countries have been influenced by Christian missionaries, these countries have moved toward the one-man, one-woman idea.

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Because they don’t have to worry about extramarital affairs, a second, third or fourth wife, or divorce. They don’t have to worry about being hated by a godless husband or fear him being harsh with her – because a godly husband will not (1 Peter 3:7). She knows that God requires His men to love and honor their wives. Yes, sometimes marriage is hard. It can bring out the worst in us. But nobody ever got a good education by dropping out of school when things got hard.

It only makes sense that the more I follow Jesus, the better husband and father and employee I’m going to be. The more Rachel follows Jesus, the better wife and mother and employee she is going to be. When we teach our children to follow Jesus, they will be better kids and eventually good, productive citizens in our economy.

God’s plan for the family is good for America’s economy. We’ll talk more about that Wednesday. Follow His pattern in your family.

–Paul Holland

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