Are Christians Prudes?

First, let’s define “prude.” The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “prude” as “a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.” In common thought and language, Christians are presented as being anti-sex. Because Christians understand pre-marital and extra-marital sex are sinful (1 Thess. 4:3-5), our critics like to suggest that Christians actually inflict shame and guilt on others.

Some suggest that Christians only accept the sexual relationship as necessary for pro-creation and that’s it.

But, what do the facts say? Again, we turn to Dr. Rodney Stark and his presentation of sociological studies to set the record straight in America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Especially Atheists. It is true that church attendance has a serious influence over people and their sexual practices. Among teenage girls, those who attend worship weekly, only 13% had engaged in sexual relations while 47% of girls who did not attend at all had such relations. For boys, the statistic was very similar, 13% compared with 43%. The strongest factor, in fact, in whether young people engaged in pre-marital sex is church attendance and how much importance the respective youth placed on religion.

Amy Adamczyk is a professor of sociology at the City University of New York. Based on her findings, the more spiritually minded a teenager is, the later he/she engaged in sexual relationships. The more spiritually minded he/she is, the less likely he/she will engage in subsequent sexual relationships. If the teen’s friends are also religious, he/she is even more unlikely to engage in such behavior.

So, it is clear that the Bible influences Christians to delay sexual relationships – usually until marriage. But what about after marriage? How do married Christians compare with non-married people when it comes to gratifying sexual relationships?

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There you have it. Objective data. Christian married couples have sexual relations more frequently – on average – than non-married couples and they enjoy their sexual relationship with their spouse more intensely than non-married couples.

Why? Because it’s the way God designed it. God planned for a man and woman to be married for life (Matthew 19:6). This commitment to one another allows the husband and wife to feel more comfortable with each other and more relaxed. It means you are not comparing yourself or your spouse to someone else. You have the dedication to one other to get to know one another, what pleases each other, and what works for you two.

When you follow biblical teaching in your marriage – the wife does not withhold herself from her husband (1 Cor. 7:3) and the husband loves, nourishes, and cherishes his wife (Ephesians 5:29) – you are going to enjoy all aspects of married life.

Christians enjoy the best of life in all of its aspects because we fulfill God’s will as He intended.

–Paul Holland

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