Blinded by sin

I recently had the lenses in both my eyes replaced.  I am totally amazed at how well I can see.  I knew I was having difficulty seeing, especially at night; and trying to read for any length of time produced a very uncomfortable headache, but I never realized just how blurry my vision had become nor how it affected other areas of my life and work.  I can’t pinpoint a specific time when it happened, so the blurry vision must have developed gradually over a long period of time.

When first told about the needed surgery, I talked to many others who had had the same procedure. All said, “There’s nothing to it!”  “It’s like a walk in the park!”  Well, while I was glad to hear their report, I didn’t totally believe them.  For this former Marine, the thought of someone poking and cutting around in my eyes did not set well.

As I contemplated the surgery, I begin to think, “Oh, I can see pretty good,” and began to think up all kinds of reasons not to have it done.  I had become so *acclimated* at seeing things in a blurred way, that I tried to convince myself that it was normal!

However, now that it’s over, I’m near dumbfounded at just how deficient and substandard my vision was. I can hardly believe that I hesitated.

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Stop and think for a moment; over the past ten or twenty years, has your attitude toward things like adultery, homosexuality, church attendance, self-discipline, holiness, etc., softened?  Do you think a little less harshly about certain sins than you used to? Are you gradually becoming *acclimated* to things God identifies as sin?  That is, are you participating in “Satan’s Scheme of Acclimation?”  If so, I encourage you to “come to the Light” (John 8:12), “having faith in His operation” (Colossians 2:12).

“One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25, NKJV).

–Toby Miller

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