Command, inferences, and examples


Let us go back to good ole Noah who built the ark, like God told him to. Noah built the ark just as God commanded him to do – Genesis 6:22 & 7:5. God would not have blessed Noah with salvation from the flood if Noah had not built the ark as God told him to do.

Now, the specifics of the command are found in Genesis 6:14-16. First, Noah was to build with – what we commonly translate as – gopher wood. We do not really know what type of wood gofer was; this is a transliteration of the Hebrew word. Additionally, this is the only time the word is used in Scripture so we do not have other contexts in which we may gain some clues. What we know for sure is that Noah understood what type of wood gopher was.

The question we want to ask is: Could Noah have substituted cedar, oak, or mahogany for the ark? If he had, how could God have said Noah did “according to all that God had commanded him?” (6:22).

The point is, when God specified “gopher wood,” then that eliminated any other type of wood. We can hardly even imagine Noah arguing with God that he could use something else.

God also specified the dimensions of the ark – 300 cubits (L), 50 cubits (W), and 30 cubits (H). One thing that is mentioned that was not specified was rooms. Perhaps God specified the number of rooms but it is not written. But in the absence of a specification, we must presume that Noah put in enough rooms to handle his family and the myriad of animals he was to bring on the ark as well as storerooms for food (6:21).

God also specified one window one cubit below the roof, one door, and three decks. Can you even imagine Noah putting two or three doors into the ark and five decks instead of three? The very suggestion flies in the face of everything we know about Noah. He was not presuming upon the grace of God. He was not building the ark for his own glory. It was for the glory and praise of God. So Noah did just what God told him to do.

Now, what tools did Noah use? We presume that at that age and time, there were only a small number of different types of hand tools that could have been used. So, Noah used what he needed in order to do what God told him to do. If God had specified Noah was to build the entire ark with a jig saw, he could not have used a circular saw. A command authorizes what it authorizes.

When it comes to worship in the New Testament era, the tool God has specified is the human heart, expressed through the human vocal cords. That is where we are to “make music.”

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“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).

If God commanded and/or permitted musical instruments in the Old Testament, it is clear that He knew how to command and/or allow us to easily draw the conclusion in the NT that musical instruments would be acceptable. But, there is absolutely no example, no command, and no inference that any Christians ever used mechanical instruments of music in worship – until the 600s A.D. when the Roman Catholic Church had already long left the faith.

But when Jews (who used instruments under the Law of Moses) became Christians, they left their harps sitting beside the burnt offering. When Gentiles became Christians, they left their lyres sitting beside their idols. A command authorizes what it authorizes.


God did not specify what tools Noah would use to build the ark. He left that up to Noah’s discretion. God did not tell Noah how many rooms to build into the ark. He left that up to Noah’s discretion. He did not tell Noah where to put the door. He left that up to Noah’s discretion.

Thus, our principle is that when God leaves something “up in the air,” so to speak, then we are at liberty to do what we need to do or what we can do, in order to obey His command. In this way, we may say that silence is permissive.

In other categories, Jesus said to “go” (Matt. 28:19) but He did not say “how.” We are at liberty to choose. Jesus said to “assemble” (Heb. 10:25) but He did not say “where.” We are at liberty to choose. In this way, silence is permissive. Jesus said to “make melody” but He didn’t say what melody. Thus, we need someone to decide what melody – there’s your authority for a song leader; and he has to decide which melody to sing – there’s your authority for a pitch pipe.

Going back to the silent movie analogy from yesterday. You can only put so many words into a silent-movie-actors’ mouth. There really is a plot. You can’t just make such an actor/actress say anything and everything you desire – even if the movie is silent. By the same token, we cannot put words into God’s mouth or put acquiescence to whatever we desire in His mouth either. When it comes to approaching God, silence is golden.

–Paul Holland

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