Elders and their being “given to hospitality”


1) In 1 Tim. 3:2 Paul said those who serve as elders should be “given to hospitality.”
i) What does the word “hospitality” mean?
ii) Why would hospitality be specifically associated with elders?
2) As the Bible uses the term “hospitality” it means “lover of strangers.”
i) In the New Testament the word “house” is used more than 100 times.
ii) Mt. 12:4.
iii) Mk. 5:38.
iv) Lk. 19:9.

3) Beginning in the book of Acts the word “house” becomes an important concept.
4) Christians spent time with one another in their individual “houses” (Acts 2:46; 5:42).
5) Acts 16:15 – READ
6) Then, just a few verses later, we see hospitality taking place with different people.
7) Acts 16:33-34 – READ

8) Within a few hours or perhaps in less than an hour two new Christians in Acts 16 offered hospitality.
9) Four chapters later in the book of Acts we find the word “house” being used again in an important way.
10) Acts 20:20 – READ
11) The Bible was taught “house to house.”
i) We do not read about any type of “church building” in Acts 20.
ii) Paul “taught publicly.” No no indication of the “church building” arrangement.

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i) Could some of the “home meetings” described by Paul have taken place in the homes of elders?
ii) Acts 20:17.
13) The events in Acts 20 likely happened about 10 years before Paul spoke about hospitality and elders.
14) Acts 21:8 we are told “Philip” opened up his home.
15) Acts 21:8 indicates Paul and his companion stayed “many days” (verse 10, KJV) with Philip.
16) 1 Pet. 4:9.
17) Leaving the book of Acts, the word “house” continues to grow in significance.
18) Rom. 16:5a – READ

19) First, Rom. 16:5 shows what the word “church” does NOT mean.
20) Priscilla and Acquila (1 Cor. 16:19).
21) Colossian letter (4:15) – we again read about a “house church.”
22) The book of Philemon (the second verse) also refers to a congregation meeting in a certain home.

23) The Bible tells us Christians showed hospitality, and this still needs to be true today.
24) Hospitality can take all kinds of forms.
25) “Good Samaritan” described Jesus.
26) Perhaps it follows the form of Mt. 25 –food and drink to a needy person.
27) Lk. 14:12-14 – hosting a meal for a group.
28) Males as well as females (1 Tim. 5:10) are to engage in hospitality.
29) Married couple can show hospitality; single people.
30) Principle from Gal. 6:10

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