Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – Psalm 139:13-16

God designed the sexual relationship to create children. There might be other purposes for this intimate relationship but the fact is, you can’t get children without it. Even if we’re talking about in-vitro fertilization or surrogate motherhood, a human child cannot be created without the combination of a cell from the father and a cell from the mother.

That means that the sexual relationship is designed to create children. God designed the human race so that it will take a father and a mother to create a child. God also designed the system so that we do not know when a child will be created. Every intimate encounter does not result in a child and there are no foolproof methods of keeping a woman from getting pregnant (except abstinence). God designed it that way so that the human race would reproduce itself. He wants as many in heaven as possible.

But because man can’t guarantee when a woman gets pregnant, the woman gets pregnant sometimes when she doesn’t desire it. In ancient times, women would give birth and then leave the unwanted baby exposed to the weather or wild animals. This was widely practiced in the Roman Empire and one reason why the church of Christ grew in the first few centuries was because Christians abhorred such a practice and would take unwanted children into their own homes. To use a modern expression, Romans recognized in Christians a “culture of life” and it was appealing to them.

Today, we have exchanged the method of “exposure” to that of “abortion.” Either way, it is getting rid of an unwanted baby. Briefly, we make some notes about how the Bible portrays the beginning of life.

Unborn babies in the Bible are considered fully human. Consider the word “baby,” used both for an unborn baby and for a baby outside the womb: Luke 1:41, 44 (in the womb) and 2:12, 16 (baby out of the womb). The Greek word is “brephos” and it is the same word.

Unborn babies are created, formed, fashioned by God – Psalm 139:13-16.

Observe that God knew Jeremiah while he was still unborn – Jeremiah 1:5; as well as the apostle Paul – Galatians 1:15.
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Let us also look at Exodus 21:22-23 where the implication is that the baby is human and deserves the protection given to others.

What we as individual Christians and as a church need to do is inform our young people about the hazards of engaging in sinful sexual behavior. Second, we need to pray for young girls who have unwanted pregnancies that they will do the right thing. Third, we might need to step in and help out with financial help, with other ways of assistance to help the mother keep the baby or put the baby up for adoption.

Some women who have had abortions have what psychologists have called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What they have to do is learn about God’s forgiveness and do what God requires for any sin. They also need to forgive themselves, which might be the harder thing to do. They might need professional counseling. They certainly need a listening ear but not a judgmental attitude from others.

Healing from an abortion is a process; it will not happen overnight. Abortion is not an unforgivable sin. With patience, prayers, and support, someone can heal from the emotional scars left behind.

We need to practice a “culture of life” as Christian families and as a church. If we’ll respect God’s limitations on our sexual relationships, we won’t be faced with the question of abortion.

–Paul Holland

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