How God helps us

The patriarch of old, Job, uttered words of despair that have emanated from the human heart since earliest of times: “Man, who is born of woman, is short-lived and full of turmoil” (14:1). Is your heart and mind in turmoil? We sometimes are so confused, so disoriented about which way to go, we do not even know what is in our own hearts.

Sometimes, we are so confounded – Do we take this course or that one? – What are the repercussions of this decision? That decision? We try to play a chess game in our minds with our lives. In chess, you think several moves in advance and anticipate how the other person will respond. We try that in life. We think into the future and say to ourselves, “If I make this decision, then this will happen…” “If I make that decision, this will likely happen…”

But when the dust settles at the end of the day – stirred up by all the confusing thoughts running through our minds – we still lay our head on the pillow, sometimes crying ourselves to sleep, not knowing what decision to make. We often can’t even read our own hearts and don’t know exactly what to pray to the Father. Our faith is there; the words just are not. We don’t know what to even verbalize.

Enter the Holy Spirit. Among the blessings and assurances God gives us that He cares and will provide for our needs is the promise of Divine Intercession recorded in Romans 8:26-27:

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Paul writes here that the Holy Spirit knows our hearts, even when we do not know what to pray for as we ought. He intercedes for us since God knows the mind of the Spirit. Consequently, the Spirit intercedes for us. God will not, however, do anything in violation of His will. He answers our prayers in accordance with, in harmony with His will.

So, the next time you are “down in the dumps” and don’t know what to say or how to pray. Remind yourself that God does. In the next verse, Paul also gives us this promise: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

–Paul Holland

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