If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?

The Foundations are Destroyed

In Psalm 11:3, David asks the question: “if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

The foundations of our society have been crumbling for several decades. Now, the Boy Scouts of America are under assault by the gay rights movement and atheists are chiming in. The Boy Scouts were quintessential American – as American as apple pie and Chevrolet. But if the BSA yields, there will be a major force for good that has become darkness.

Another major force for good – and has been crumbling for a long time – is the school system. Exhibit A is illustrated by the Atlanta school system. You’ve probably heard of the problem. Thirty-five employees have been indicted as part of a criminal enterprise system that goes all the way to the top – the chief, Beverly Hall.

Hall is facing 45 years in prison (she’ll probably end up a future Secretary of Education) for making over $500,000 in an effort to bloat the scores of students taking standardized tests. Parents came forward wondering how their children could do so well on the tests when they can’t read. Hall and her co-conspirators were arrogant and hardly cooperated with investigators. Principals who would not go along were forced out and their reputations ruined.

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The school system is not the last phalanx in the culture war. It arguably went to the other side long ago. The church and individual families must stand against this type of cultural rot – even if they have to stand alone. A country that cannot be honest with her own citizens is a country that will not last long. How can you work together if you can’t trust one another?

Of course, the huge Atlanta school system is not alone if it is well publicized. Even small schools are pressured into “increasing” test scores administered under the auspices of the federal Department of Education in order to keep the money coming. But whether it is in big schools or small, parents have to let their teachers and the principals know that they do not support cheating. If it means lower scores, correct the problem – teach better or teach more (take less field trips!) but don’t destroy the moral foundation of the citizenry for more money from the government.

That, in essence, is selling our children’s souls – and the country – to the Devil.

–Paul Holland

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