Is the conscience a safe guide?

Obey Your Conscience – ?

An editorial of the Italian paper La Repubblica asked if the “Christian” God could forgive someone who did not believe and did not seek faith. “Pope” Francis responded in a letter, among other things, “The question for those who do not believe in God is to follow their own conscience. Sin, even for a non-believer, is when one goes against one’s conscience.” (World, October 5, 2013; pg. 16).

There are so many things wrong with that sentiment it defies credulity that an intelligent person would believe it. Yet, many people believe that very idea – sin is simply violating your conscience.

So, Bashar al-Assad did not sin when he gassed 1,400 of his own people, as long as it did not violate his conscience? The Tsarnaev brothers did not sin when they blew the legs off a dozen men and women in the Boston marathon bombing back in April, as long as they did it in tangent with their conscience?

“Let your conscience be your guide,” Jiminy Cricket told Pinocchio in the classic Disney cartoon. Really? Upon what basis, then, can we ever say anyone does anything wrong?
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If sin is simply going against your conscience, then Muslims are okay with God. Buddhists are okay with God. Hindus are okay with God. As long as they live within the confines of their conscience, they are morally alright. Did Adolf Hitler violate his conscience? Did Pol Pot violate his conscience? Did Nicolae Ceausescu violate his conscience? Did Vladimir Lenin violate his conscience?

The apostle Paul did not violate his conscience, even as he killed and persecuted Christians (Acts 23:1). But was he in sin? In 1 Timothy 1, Paul writes that what he did, he did ignorantly “in unbelief” but he was a persecutor, a blasphemer, and an insolent man. Yet, he needed Jesus Christ. He needed a Savior. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (verse 15).

The worst conclusion drawn from the idea that we sin only when we violate our conscience is that it makes the crucifixion a huge, pointless, murder. If one can be saved outside of, without Christ – why did He die anyway? Is God a masochist? Really?

It is so disappointing when men like the “Pope” who claim to love God and Jesus spout off such theological foolish nonsense as this and more disappointing that so many people will listen to him as opposed to reading the Bible for themselves.

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