Isaac was a type of Christ

1) Gen. 17:16-17 – READ
2) In verse 18 Abraham suggested that God fulfill His promise through Ishmael.
3) God heard this request and said He would not do that (verse 19).
4) God not only promised a son, He provided Abraham with this son’s name – verse 19 – READ
a) What I just read should bring to our minds some New Testament verses to mind.
b) God said Abraham would have a “son.”
c) The promise of Isaac looked forward to a much greater promise also involving a “Son” – Jesus.
d) Remember that Isaac was Abraham’s “only” son.
e) Gen. 22:2 – READ
5) Isaac is called Abraham’s “only son.”
6) Jn. 3:16 says God so loved the world that He gave His “only begotten Son.”
7) Gen. 17:19 once more – READ
a) God said the “covenant would be established with Isaac. This also pointed forward to something.
b) The Lord was also One through whom a “covenant” was established – the New Covenant (Testament).
8) When we think about Isaac we know the circumstances of his birth were unique.
9) God needed to use some special circumstances – a miracle – for Isaac to come into the world.
a) Isaac pointed forward to the Lord, in multiple ways, including his special birth.
10) If we look at some information about Isaac in Gen. 21, we find Isaac’s name associated with joy/laughter.
11) Why would God choose to name Abraham’s son with a name that meant things like joy/laughter?
a) An angel appeared to these men and made this statement in Lk. 2:10:
b) “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people.”
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d) Isaac was named before his birth and this one more way he prefigured Jesus Christ.
12) Gen. 22 – God told Abraham “I want you to take your son—your ONLY son.”
a) Isaac seems to have been in his 30’s when the story about the altar took place.
b) These ages just happen to be in the same or exact range of when the Lord died.
13) Gen. 22:3-4 – READ
14) Abraham was thinking about what God had told him to do for “three days.”
15) The parallel between this and Jesus’ three days in the cross is startling.
16) Gen. 22:6.
17) Have we ever carefully considered the fact that Isaac “carried the wood”?
18) Jn. 19:17 says, “bearing the cross (the wood) for Himself.”
19) Gen. 22:7 says Isaac asked where the “lamb” was.
20) This situation pointed forward to the time when the Father in heaven provided THE LAMB!
21) “Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29).
22) God not only provided a lamb for Abraham and Isaac, this lamb served as a “substitute.”
a) Jesus came into the world and there was no substitute for Him.
b) As the true and perfect lamb of God, Jesus allowed Himself to be sacrificed.
c) 2 Cor. 5:21 tells us the Lord was “made to be sin on our behalf” (i.e. He was a sin offering).
23) After the lamb was provided Isaac returned to his father.
24) What do we find when it comes to the Lord? He also returned to the Father.

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