Jesus has just begun His public ministry. Our text is one of many in which Matthew gives a quick summation of His work (see, for example, 9:35). Let’s discuss a few points from the text and draw some applications.

  1. Jesus Taught in the Synagogues. Synagogues most likely developed in the time of the Babylonian captivity. They became the center of Jewish religious life. The common practice seems for there to have been a reading from the Law or the Prophets and then a discussion of it to follow. Sometimes the synagogue ruler would call on a visiting rabbi (teacher) to speak (see Acts 13:15; Lk. 4:16-17). Jesus began using this as an opportunity to address the Jews (later, the apostles would do the same). We should also point out that though Jesus certainly did minister to the Gentiles, His focus was clearly upon “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt. 15:24).
  2. Jesus Proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom. Notably, though Jesus taught from the Law and the Prophets, He continued the story from there. Remember that the OT is very much a part of God’s plan to redeem man. However, the completion and fulfillment of that plan is in Christ and His kingdom. Worthy of note is that Matthew gives emphasis to Christ preaching the kingdom. In 4:17 Matthew states that Jesus preached saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” In our text, verse 23, Matthew alludes to Jesus preaching “the gospel of the kingdom.” Clearly, Jesus believed that the kingdom (or, the church – see Mt. 16:18), was (and is) significant! Jesus and the kingdom cannot be rightly separated. No one can have Christ without the kingdom since He Himself serves as its’ head (Eph. 5:23).
  3. Jesus Healed Every Disease and Affliction. We know that Jesus had deep compassion for those who suffered (see Heb. 4:15) and surely that had something to do with His healing ministry. It is clear in our text that these healings resulted in His fame and led people to follow Him. Of course, following Him merely for physical blessings was very inadequate. They were designed to show that He indeed was “the bread of life” (Jn. 8:35). Perhaps this is amplified by the text pointing out that He healed “every disease and every affliction.” His power reigned supreme. This authority and power ultimately pointed to His supremacy and the divine source of His message.


  1. Jesus Had a Mission; He Had a Target – So Should We! All of us have a “circle of influence.” Take the Gospel wherever you go; and use the opportunities the Lord provides.
  2. Jesus Preached the Kingdom – So Should We! Salvation and every spiritual blessing is in Christ (Eph. 1:3). Be thankful for the kingdom and teach others about it!
  3. Jesus Had Great Compassion – So Should We! Have compassion for the needs of people and show love for them. But make sure to have love for their souls’ as well!


In our text, Jesus went preaching the kingdom. In chapter 9:35, Jesus went preaching the kingdom, and He said to His disciples in verses 37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Let’t pray fervently and let us also answer the call of Jesus to follow Him, and thus be fishers of men (see Mt. 4:19) proclaiming Him and the good news of His Kingdom!

Daren Schroeder

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