Playing games with God

In 1 Samuel 6, the account is related about the Philistines returning the Ark of the Covenant to Israel, which they had stolen. God punished them severely for stealing the ark and they decided they wanted to return it.

So, they set up a little test. They put the ark on a cart. They put some golden gifts in the ark as a guilt offering. But here’s the test. The milk cows have two calves. The calves are taken back into the stall, away from their moms. The cows are hitched to the yoke to carry the ark and are sent in the opposite direction – toward Beth-shemesh and Israel.

The natural inclination of the momma cows would be to turn back to their lowing calves. If the cows turn back, then “we will know,” they said, “that it was not His hand that struck us; it happened to us by chance.” But, the Philistines reasoned that if the cows continued on straight then the God of Israel “has done us this great evil” (6:9).

Non-believers like to play games with God. They like to make up their own rules and then challenge God in a game where the deck is intended to be stacked against Him. That’s what the Philistines do with God on this occasion.

But God plays their game. By their rules. And He wins. The text says, “The cows took the straight way in the direction of Beth-shemesh; they went along the highway, lowing as they went, and did not turn aside to the right or to the left” (verse 12).
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The American culture cannot play a game where God loses. Islam cannot play a game where God loses. Atheists cannot play a game where God loses. God will play their game. He’ll play by their rules. And He’ll win. Every time.

“Have faith in God,” (Mark 11:22).

–Paul Holland

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