Satan tries to attack new converts

It wasn’t long after the church had been established (Acts 2), that it began to encounter problems. Satan was obviously scarred at the potential power against his cause when he realized the strength developing in the hearts of unified believers. Satan probably asked himself, “How can I combat the power of unity?” Perhaps he learned a lesson from God Himself! As God witnessed the power of unity when the post-flood people began building the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), He demolished their efforts by causing “dis-unity” in making all speak different languages. This caused insurmountable problems in the construction project and it was brought to an immediate halt. We only have to look at the church listings in the yellow pages of our phone books to see how successful Satan has been in “copy-catting” that strategy.

Not only is Satan using this as a world-wide strategy, he also employs it in the individual congregation. We are familiar with Paul’s warning about “men who rise up among you speaking perverse things” (Ax 20:29-30), but let’s look a little deeper.

Over the years, I’ve found it no less than amazing that when people have a certain “beef” with the church, whether it be with the Elders, preacher, song leader, Bible school teachers, or even the color of the carpet! the first thing they do is leave the church! Some get upset because the church isn’t doing enough to entertain their kids, so they quit Christ’s Body and go to a denomination that takes annual trips to Six Flags or Disney Land.

Here’s a good one: “The church isn’t doing anything, so I’m quitting!” Isn’t that amazing! Rather than try to help solve the problem, people just quit. That’s like saying, “The attendance at worship is too small, so I’m going to make it smaller!” Rather than become part of the solution, such people become part of the problem.
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If you are a preacher or an elder, you already know that most of the people who complain about a lack of evangelism, never do any evangelistic work themselves. Those who complain about attendance, seldom attend. Those who complain about your preaching, have also found fault with every preacher before you. Those who complain about the “off-key” singing, don’t sing. Those who complain about a lack of community involvement, never do anything to help the situation. Those who complain about not involving children, never volunteer to help out at VBS.

I’m sure most of you reading this could add several other areas where those who complain are usually a part of the problem rather than part of the solution. One doesn’t have to read very deep into the book of Numbers to learn God’s attitude toward “complainers and murmurers.” One of Satan’s main goals is to cause dis-unity, and he has many schemes and strategies with which to accomplish this goal. Are you a part of the problem, or a part of the solution. That is, which “Master” are you serving? (Matthew 6:24).

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