Saved by grace

1)    Isa. 53:12 said Jesus would be “numbered with transgressors.”
2)    700 years in advance a prophet said Jesus would depart from this life in the presence of sinners.
3)    This is precisely what we heard from our scripture reading – Jesus was crucified between two thieves.
a)    The thieves who were also on crosses vividly demonstrate God’s grace.
2)    Mt. 27:42-43 – READ
3)    For part of this six hour part two thieves mocked Jesus.
a)    Jesus had been beaten and He being harassed by people on the ground as well as the thieves.
b)    Based on Lk. 23, it seems that something very unusual happened while three men were on crosses.
c)    One of the robbers that was being crucified had a change of heart.
4)    Lk. 23:40-41 – READ
5)    This thief said he and the other robber were getting what was “just.”
6)    This thief was not only willing to look at his life, he was thinking about the afterlife.
7)    Verse 42 – READ
a)    Some think this thief was just kidding – he was continuing to mock Jesus.
b)    This is not how the Lord understood things – verse 43 – READ
c)    This man said, “remember me” and Jesus said “Yes, I will.”
d)    The Lord did not say this man would be remembered after the resurrection.
e)    Jesus did not say He would get around to this man in the “near future.”
f)    Jesus said “today” you are going to be okay.
a)    Paul was not exaggerating; God’s grace has come to the world and it overflows man’s sins.
b)    If God’s grace was sufficient for the robber who mocked Jesus, it is sufficient for all others.
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2)    Acts 4:33 refers to “great grace.”
3)    People are exhorted to “continue in the grace of God” (Acts 13:43).
4)    Acts 15:11 says we are “saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
5)    Acts 20:24 refers to the “gospel of grace.”
6)    Acts 20:32 speaks about the “word of His grace.”
7)    Man is “justified by grace” (Rom. 3:24).
a)    Rom. 5:20 says “sin has abounded in the world.”
b)    God does not want us to misuse His grace.
8)    Rom. 6:1 says “should we sin so that we can get more of God’s grace”?  NO!
9)    In Rom. 11:6 Paul said salvation is a matter of “grace” instead of “works.”
a)    In Jn. 6:29 the Bible says “faith” is a work.
b)    Jesus said we must repent or perish, Lk. 13:3.
10)    It is doubtful that either thief had been baptized, but baptism was not a requirement for these men.
11)    When the thief was speaking with Jesus, the Old Testament law was still in effect.
12)    When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper He said His death would bring in a “new covenant.”
13)    In this new covenant baptism is required.
a)    Rom. 5-6 talks about God’s grace, but Paul also speaks about how we access this grace.
b)    Rom. 6:4 says we are baptized “into Christ.”
14)    Heb. 4:16 says there is God’s “throne of grace” to help us “in time of need.”
15)    God will give grace to those who “humble” themselves (1 Pet. 5:5).
16)    Peter also said God is the “God of all grace” (1 Pet. 5:10).

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