Thanksgiving sermons

A Thanksgiving sermon (1 Tim. 4:1-3)

1) When it comes to God, we have a lot for which we should be thankful.
2) For instance, God is a good God.
3) Mk. 10:18 – READ
4) God’s definition of “good” is often not man’s definition of “good.”
a) We often refer to certain food as “good.” We may say we have a “good friend.”
b) Children may be referred to as “good.”
5) If we want to know the true definition of goodness, we must look to and at God.
6) Ps. 25:8
7) Ps. 34:8
8) Ps. 86:5
9) Ps. 106:1 – READ

10) As the Jewish people thought about God they said to themselves “God is good & we are thankful.”
11) Do we, as we hopefully engage in thankfulness, ever thank God for who He is?
12) We have the opportunity to serve a God who is always good regardless of circumstances.
13) Jas. 1:17 – “every good and perfect gift comes from God.


1) Lk. 8:11 – God’s word is compared to a seed.
a) Lazy people have been turned into productive people by the Bible.
b) Thieves have been turned into honest and outstanding citizens by God’s word.
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3) 2 Cor. 3:18 – READ
a) We go from “glory to glory” (we make steady improvement) and live the best possible life.
b) God’s word is one of man’s most powerful tools.
4) Another reason for thankfulness when it comes to the Bible is completeness.
a) Jude 3 says this – READ.
5) 2 Tim. 3:17 – the word “complete.”
6) When it comes to the Bible, it is not only complete, we have it available in our language.
7) Modern estimates say there are now more than 6,000 languages in our world.


1) Gen. 1:26 says “man is in the image of God.”
2) We know sin has marred this image – people can act in ways so they seem to be wholly unlike God.
3) When it comes to this earth, man is the pinnacle of God’s creation.
4) Man is so important the Son of God came to die for him.
5) God has made us in His image and He offers us an eternal place of joy with Him.

6) If we are a Christian, we need to be show our appreciation to God every single day.
7) We have been blessed in ways most from the past could never imagine.

8) Just how thankful are we, and how do we reflect this week after week?

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