The meek will inherit the earth

1. The 37th psalm has 40 verses and it has been called a “great riddle.”
2. The writer of this Old Testament passage asked why the wicked often prosper and the righteous do not.
3. For today’s lesson we will divide this psalm into three parts.
4. Fist, we will look at the righteous – these are the “meek” described by Jesus in Mt. 5.
5. Then we will turn out attention to how the wicked are described in Ps. 37.
6. Our last point will focus on the path the world wants us to take.


a) Verse 3 – READ
b) The meek person is one who has put his trust in God; God is this person’s rock and foundation.
2) As we go through life there are many things to trust in.
a) Trust in God is essential, but it is just the first step.
b) Verse 3 also says “do good.” Christianity is not just a system of beliefs.
c) We “do good” by doing what the Bible says.
3) Verse 4 takes things a step further – READ
4) We find that a lot of things delight people as they live their lives.
5) When we come to the point where we find joy and delight in God, verse 5 will be true – READ
6) God wants people to learn how to put Him at the center of their lives.
7) Christianity is not like the hokey pokey.
8) Verse 7 adds something else for those who want to serve the Lord – READ
9) If we have put our life and hope in the arms of God, both our life and our hope are secure.
10) Verse 11 talks about the “meekness” mentioned by Jesus in Mt. 5 and also uses the word “peace.”
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12) Verse 25 goes on to say this – READ
13) Verses 31-40 summarize all that has been said– READ
a) READ Ps. 37:1.
b) Verse 2 – READ
2) God says He laughs at those who oppose Him – verse 13 – READ
3) Notice verses 14-15 – READ
4) Verse 17 says the “arms of the wicked shall be broken” and verse 20 says “they shall perish.”
5) A summary of the unsaved persons’ life is in verses 35-36 – READ


a) Verse 8 – let’s look at that now – READ
b) The way of the world is anger, wrath, rage, hate, meanness, cruelty, and nastiness.
2) Verse 12– READ
3) Verse 32 in– READ
4) Verse 35 – READ
5) The true secret to greatness and success is meekness.
6) The power to keep ourselves under control.
7) Submission to the law of Christ.
8) Will we be people who are meek and thus “inherit the earth”?

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