The movie Prometheus

Prometheus is the prequel to the popular film from 1979, “Alien.” Prometheus came to the screen June 8th. In the film, humans travel to a distant planet, ostensibly home to an advanced civilization of aliens. There are lots and lots of people who believe in extraterrestrial life.

Sir Ridley Scott, the director of the movie, believes in aliens. He tells (June 4, 2012), “The fact that we think we’re the only ones here is entirely ridiculous. It’s an arrogance to believe that we’re the only ones here.” The female protagonist, scientist Elizabeth Show, finds some symbols inside a cave and believes they suggest alien life forms created human beings.

In connection with making the movie, Ridley Scott had dinner with nine astrophysicists, three of whom worked with NASA. Scott asked the room, “Who believes in God?” Four put up their hands. That puts the lie to the idea that scientists – true scientists – are all atheists.

Several of the actors/actresses interviewed about Prometheus believe it is unscientific to think humans are the sole intelligent beings in the universe. You and I would certainly agree. We are not the only intelligent beings in the universe. It is ridiculous to believe we came from nothing. It is ridiculous to believe that intelligent life spontaneously generated out of non-intelligent life.

But it is equally ridiculous to believe that life was created by aliens. My Daily Droplets Thursday will consider the idea of alien life forms. All that would accomplish would be to put off the question of “Where did humans come from?” to “Where did the Martians come from?” We still would not have answered the question about where life came from.
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Sometimes when man makes every effort to sound intelligent and open-minded, he ends up sounding foolish and irrational.

“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God” (Psalm 53:1). On the other hand, “[God] made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him” (Acts 17:26-27).

The Intelligent Life “out there” is available and accessible through Jesus Christ. Let’s quit wasting our time looking for extraterrestrial life and use our time getting to know the Prince of Life (Acts 3:15; KJV).

–Paul Holland

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