Turning from Sin – Acts 3:12-19

Christians, speaking in general, have a difficult time distinguishing themselves from the rest of the world. For that reason, among the stereotypes that non-Christians have of Christians is that we are hypocritical. We do not practice what we preach.

Based on a study released in 2007, most of the lifestyle activities of people who claimed to be “born-again Christians” were little different from those who did not claim to be Christians. Based on the survey, within the previous 30 days, self-identified Christians were just as likely to: bet or gamble; visit a pornographic website; take something that did not belong to them; consult a medium or a psychic; fight or abuse someone; consume enough alcohol to be considered legally drunk; used some type of illegal, nonprescription drug; said something to someone that was not true; exacted revenge on someone; or said something mean behind someone’s back (from UnChristian by David Kinnamon).

If we are ever going to win the world to Christ, at least our family and friends, they must see a difference in how we live. We must reflect Christ in our lives, on a daily basis – His truth, His values, His love, His self-control. In Acts 3, Peter calls on his fellow Jews to repent of their sins and return to God. His message to them is his message to us today. Acts 3 is about turning from our sins.


God had glorified the Son, His servant, but what had the Jews done to Him? They had delivered Him. The “you” here is emphatic. “You yourselves!” had delivered Him. They had disowned Him in the presence of Pilate, even when he [Pilate] had decided to turn Jesus loose.


The faith in Jesus Christ. Everything that deals with Jesus Christ can be described as “the faith.” It is the message about Christ and the message from Christ. Believe this Jesus, raised from the dead, and now healing others. He still lives and He still heals.


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What was to be done? Peter tells them in verse 19: “Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

If we set this verse parallel with Peter’s comments in 2:38, we get a clearer idea of what he means:

2:38 – “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

3:19 – “repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

We see the importance in this sermon of turning from our sins, our wicked ways. If it was necessary and important for the Jews to repent of their sins, it is just as important for us to turn from our sins. If we want the “forgiveness of our sins” and the “gift of the Holy Spirit” (2:38); if we want our “sins to be wiped away” and to enjoy “times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord” (3:19) we’ve got to stop living in sin.

To be ready for Jesus’ second coming, we must turn from our sins!

–Paul Holland

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