What am I Worth to the Church?

It seems there has been a tendency to build up the church numerically, without giving much consideration to the genuineness of conversion. I fear that that practice has resulted in people coming into the church unconverted, thinking they are really Christians. Many congregations are carrying a certain amount of “dead weight” in the persons of inactive church members.

In looking for an answer to our question, let us first observe that the Scriptures require a personal examination. 1 Corinthians 11:28 – “But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”

2 Corinthians 13:5 – “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!”

Some searching questions to aid in this personal examination:

1. Am I an asset or a liability to the congregation?
2. Am I a help or a hindrance to the work?
3. Does my being a member of the church add strength and character to it?
4. Am I daily growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ? – 2 Peter 3:18
5. Am I by my daily life having an influence for good? – Matt. 5:16
6. Am I becoming a more efficient worker in his service? – 1 Cor. 15:58
7. Have I been instrumental in leading anyone to Christ? – Matt. 28:19
8. Am I giving encouragement to the unsaved and young converts by attending the various services of the church and extending to them a glad welcome, or am I manifesting a spirit of indifference and carelessness with reference to my own salvation and that of my fellow man?

The standard of measurement? One’s worth to the church may be measured by practical business standards. For example, a man feels it is his duty to be worth something to the business firm that is employing and trusting him.
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He should go to his work filled with enthusiasm and thankful he has a job. Suppose that he should drop out of the business at will, be gone a day or two without saying anything to the manager, or be lost entirely to the firm? Would the officials send someone out to look for him and beg him to return to his work? (Heb. 13:17).

Another good way for one to measure his worth to the church and, incidentally, to see himself as others see him, is to ask himself the familiar question: “If every member of this church were just like me, what kind of a church would this church be?”

But the standard that really counts is the one revealed in the New Testament. (see Matt. 7:20). One’s ability plus his opportunities equals his duty or responsibility.

Some practical ways in which one may be of value to the church:

By faithful and zealous in attendance at the various services of the church.
By demonstrating loyalty to divine authority (Acts 3:22, 23).
By living a godly life among his fellow man (1 Peter 2:11-12; Phil. 2:14-15).
By striving to become more efficient in his service.
By maintaining a cheerful and enthusiastic attitude toward the work.
By assuming responsibility, financial and otherwise, for the success and welfare of the church. Every member should take it on himself to invite people to the services, and be there to welcome them when they arrive.

– the late Wayne E. Holland, Sr.

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