What is the church?

1)    What has Jesus been doing since He returned from the grave?
2)    Is He now in a state of on-going rest, or is He actively involved in and with something?
3)    Primary text to answer these questions is Eph. 5.
4)    Eph. 5:23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32.
5)    READ verse 32.
a)    Eph. 5:32 suggests there is great connection between Christ and the church.
b)    If we choose to reject the church verse 32 suggests we may or will also reject Christ.
6)    This apostle said there is a “mystery.”
7)    Paul said this “great mystery” involves Jesus and the church.
8)    Verse 29 – READ
a)    In the second part of this verse we once again see a connection between Jesus and the church.
b)    Paul said Jesus “nourishes and cherishes” the church.
9)    We find many examples of people loving, nourishing and cherishing someone or something.
10)    If we are part of the church, we are in a place where Jesus Christ will guide us through life.
a)    This is why Jesus was able to refer to Himself not as a “shepherd,” but a “good shepherd.”
b)    Jesus gave His life for His sheep and now He has been raised to care for His people throughout time.
c)    To qualify for this care we need to be in His pasture.
d)    We have got to be part of God’s flock, and we become part of this flock by the church.
e)    To some this is a “great mystery” (Eph. 5:32) and they do not understand it.

EPH. 5:27.  READ

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b)    A time will come when the church (God’s people) will be taken to heaven and blessed eternally.
2)    Lots of people want to go to heaven, but they want nothing to do with the church on the earth.
3)    The church, which contains the saved from sin under the NT era, is the vehicle that will take people to heaven.
4)    Eph. 5:27 says those who are saved will be without spot, without wrinkle, holy and blemish free.
5)    Those who are in the church are continually purified from sin by the benefits of Christ’s blood.
6)    The statement in Eph. 5:27 is a wonderful truth, but it is for accountable people who are part of the church.
7)    If we want to go to heaven, we must understand and then obey the “mystery” of the gospel.
8)    Eph. 5:25 – READ
a)    Will we love what Jesus loves – His church?
b)    Will we commit ourselves to what Jesus has committed Himself – His church?
9)    Eph. 5:24 – READ
a)    The church is to be “subject” to Christ.
b)    Today some congregations say, “We have some ideas…let’s….”
10)    Subjection to Christ is yet another part of the “mystery” people often fail to study.
11)    If we are not willing to submit ourselves to Christ day after day, we will not be His church.
12)    Verse 23 – READ
a)    Our world is rejoicing over Jesus’ resurrection, and we should rejoice as well.
b)    The Lord’s resurrection, however, also comes with some consequences.
13)    If we want to be His people and spend eternity in heaven with Him, we must obey these rules.
14)    If we will obey, we will be saved because Jesus is the “savior of the body.”
15)    If we want to be saved, we must be in—part of—the body of Christ?  Are we part of this body?

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