Sometimes we might be tempted to define a good leader by such things as:

  1. What kind of education does a person have?
  2. What is his position?
  3. How popular is he?
  4. Has he made a lot of money?
  5. Does He have a lot of followers?

Take a moment and think about what leaders in the Bible would be eliminated by such a shallow and worldly list!

But instead of using the wisdom of the world, let’s briefly consider the wisdom of Almighty God, so that we can be better leaders for our Lord.


This is far and away the most critical area of an individual’s life as he seeks to be a leader for the Lord. This is crystal clear from the required virtues to serve as an elder, like: being able to control oneself, behaving respectfully, and not being quarrelsome nor greedy for material things (see 1 Tim. 3:1-7). Similar requirements are given for deacons (see 1 Tim. 3:8-13). Likewise, the apostle Paul instructs the young preacher Timothy to be “an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” Character not only counts, evidently it counts the most! Of course, these are virtues that every Christian is seeking to cultivate, and one’s leadership for the Lord will to a large degree be proportionate to his or her character.


Why meekness? Think about it from this perspective: Who was the greatest leader of the OT? This is somewhat subjective, but many would say: Moses, and it may hard to argue with that. (Of course, one could rightly say that the Lord was the greatest leader of the OT.) But do you remember what the Scripture said about this man Moses? Numbers 12:3 refers to him being the meekest man on earth! (For one great example, read and consider Numbers 11:26-30.) Who was the greatest leader of the NT? Jesus, right? In Matthew 11:29 Jesus described Himself as “gentle and lowly in heart.” I’ve heard meekness defined as “power under control.” Meekness is restraining oneself (what one can say or do) not only for the sake of one’s own character but to have a much greater (or, higher quality) impact on others and the kingdom. A lack of meekness always hinders the kingdom!


Again, we are reminded of the qualifications of elders. Paul gives instruction for elders to be those who “hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught” and also “give instruction in sound doctrine and… rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9). Leaders love the truth! Jesus says that His “word is truth” (Jn. 17:17). It is impossible to love Jesus Himself if one doesn’t have great care about what He says. A good leader is one who seeks the truth uncompromisingly for himself as well as others, and doesn’t cower in fear in the face of opposition. He knows that the Lord’s way is the only way! (see Jn. 14:6).

It is true that much more could be said about what makes a good leader, but this is more than a good start in the right direction. Let’s lead for the Lord by embracing and growing in these three critical areas!

Daren Schroeder

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