Which religion is right?

One Religion or One Church?

One of our correspondence courses has this question: “The same God who made all nations and races, recognizes as valid only one __________.” If the student studies the lesson, he or she will write in “Church”. If the student is trying the answer the question off the top of his/her head, they invariably write “Religion.”

God actually established two religions – Judaism and Christianity. In that particular course, the lesson is on “The Christian Age” so it is easy to see where one would think that “Christianity” is the correct response.

But especially in this age of ecumenicism, it is important to point out that God did not just establish one religion – Christianity. But Christianity is represented by only one church. Jesus only established one church. Denominationalism does not represent that one church.

When the church of Jesus Christ was established on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the apostles were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. The church under their guidance all spoke the same thing, worshiped the same way, lived the same moral lives, under the same organization of the apostolic guidance.
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Paul taught in Ephesians 4:4 that there is only one body and that body is the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). There were no denominations in the New Testament era and the apostle Paul condemned the mentality that would produce denominations (1 Corinthians 1:10).

No, the churches of Christ are not the standard. You don’t do something because we do it. All of us are under the guidance of the apostles of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 14:37).

Today, if we want to be a part of that one true religion, to be members of the one true church, we must each submit in humility to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the teaching revealed in the New Testament.

–Paul Holland

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