Who was Hagar?

A theologian is someone who thinks about God. Theology is the study of God. In a sense, then, all of us are theologians. You might say that the first person – as far as the record is concerned – to think about the nature of God is Sarai’s handmaid, Hagar.

Since Sarai was barren and not getting pregnant, she encouraged Abram to have relations with Hagar. When she became pregnant, she despised Sarai. The relations between the women became a little tense. Abram sided with Sarai and gave her free rein to send Hagar away. Sarai treated Hagar harshly and Hagar fled.

In the wilderness of life, Hagar is friendless. She has been blessed by God – she is pregnant – but she’s not receiving any help or encouragement from family or friends. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? Friendless even as you are blessed but no one with whom to share the good news?

God sent His messenger to Hagar and promised that He would multiply her descendents beyond number. The messenger told Hagar to name the boy Ishmael (He hears) – “because the Lord has given heed to your affliction” (Genesis 14:11). God has assured Hagar that He has heard her distress.

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Hagar reflected on the nature of God for her life and gave God a new name: Elroi – “You are a God who sees.” Hagar came to grips with the power, presence, and love of the God of heaven. She understood that God was with her in the wilderness and He would be with her because He sees. Hagar’s name for God is He sees. Hagar returned to Abram and gave birth to Ishmael.

Later, after Isaac is born, some fourteen years later, Ishmael mocks Sarah and/or Isaac. Sarah drives Hagar and Ishmael away and they end up in a wilderness again. This time, Elroi – the God who sees – opens Hagar’s eyes so that she sees a well of water for her and her son.

Be a theologian and meditate on the nature of God for your life. God sees. If you will follow His voice, He will allow you to see.
–Paul Holland

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