Why America Needs the Bible: It is the Soul of Western Civilization

    What makes America great? What makes America “exceptional?” Take a minute and think about that question. Make a mental note of the five reasons why you think America is a great country…

    Here is my list…

    #1 – OUR LIBERTY – The U. S. Constitution was the first of its kind in the history of mankind. It recognized the role that local, state governments have in the lives of her citizens. Our government is a federal republic – a government divided between the state level and the national level. Beyond that, our federal government is divided into three branches that are co-equal with a system of checks and balances for each one: judiciary, executive, and legislative.

    Now the whole reason why our Founding Fathers divided our government is because they recognized the biblical principle that man is greedy. He is greedy for power and greedy for money. So, our Founding Fathers created a government in which the greed of one branch of government is checked by the interests of another branch of government. What a tremendous advancement in the history of man’s governments.

    #2 – OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM – I’m not talking about health insurance. I’m talking about the doctors and nurses and other support staff who work endless hours in order to save the life of a sick person or who give you and me the treatment that we need. I’ve already dealt with the history of hospitals; Christians created hospitals. And for better or worse, our society believes that people need a certain amount of healthcare regardless of how it gets paid.

    #3 – OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM – Yes, there is much to criticize in our educational systems from elementary schools through our university systems. Christians, we have pointed out, originally established public schools in America and the modern university system traces its origins back to Christianity in Europe. We believe in an educated society and we believe that everyone should have access to a good education. It is so much easier in the United States of America to get a good, solid education than it is in almost any country throughout the world.

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    #4 – OUR MILITARY – Our military does not exist, as so many militaries do around the world, to support and defend the chief executive. Our military exists, not to take land and country but to defend our people, to defend us, and to defend our friends and neighbors. That’s why we have sacrificed our own sons and daughters over the last two centuries – defending the freedoms that we have and enjoy and trying to help other nations have those same freedoms.

    #5 – RULE OF LAW – Our Constitution is unique in another important respect. It is a written law that cannot be changed at the whim of those in power. The President of the United States is answerable to the U. S. Constitution. Our Congress is answerable to the U. S. Constitution. That law is the supreme law of the land and all the laws of the land are based on and motivated by that Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

    Have you noticed there is a common thread that runs through all five points that I have made (you might make more)?

    With all of these aspects of our culture that make America great, sooner or later, you’ll come back to the truth that what makes America great is the Bible. Especially the Christ who is the heart of the Bible. If we want to make America “great again,” we’re going to have to make America “Christian” again to the best of our ability.

    America needs the Bible because the Bible has created the soul of our civilization.

–Paul Holland

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