With the Gospel in our hands, we are the front-line in gun control

Gun Control and the Loss of Civilization

    “Civilization” is defined as “the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced.” I do not know if schools still teach “civics,” but I studied “the rights and duties of citizenship” in the seventh or eighth grade and you probably did too. The root word of “civilization” is “civil” which can mean: “relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters” or “courteous and polite.”

    Our civilization has been struck hard in the last two weeks, in Tennessee and Las Vegas, by people not acting courteous and polite. We reel in confusion at the senselessness of cold-blooded mass murders. “Why?” Part of the reason (only a part) is because too many people have quit being civil, courteous and polite to one another. The farther we get from the Christian foundations in this country, the more we have to have someone else regulate our behavior.

    Detroit city council woman, Janee Ayers, is proposing to outlaw rifles in hotels. I could not care one way or the other except that if a man wants to murder, he doesn’t care what the law says about rifles in hotel rooms! Matt Bevins, governor of Kentucky, was a little closer to being accurate when he tweeted: “You can’t regulate evil.” Man cannot. But God can.

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    The point is that man’s laws can only go so far in regulating gun control and mass murder. In fact, Cain killed Abel without a gun! According to the Congressional Research Service, there are 300 million guns in the U. S. How are you going to control that?

    The truth is that if politicians would spend as much time encouraging the citizenry to read their Bibles and go to church on Sunday and to love their neighbor as themselves as they do talking about gun control, there would be less murder. Why? Because the law that has the best effect on controlling murderous tendencies is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (cf. Rom. 8:2).

    What I’m saying is that you and I, with the Gospel in our hands, are the front-line in gun control and teaching people how to be “civil.” Regardless of the view of politicians, the Gospel is still what our society needs!

–Paul Holland

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