Does God Care What We Wear?

Bill Bryant is the anchor on the early, local news show that I generally watch. He always wears a coat and tie. Rebecca Smith is his co-anchor and she always wears dress clothes – blouse, maybe a skirt or slacks. Micah Harris is the meteorologist on this early morning news show and he always wears a suit and tie.

John Calipari – the coach for the Wildcats’ basketball team – wears a coat and tie often during the basketball game.

Early in the Revolutionary war, in January of 1776, referring to the clothing he had selected for his troops, Washington said, “Nothing adds more to the appearance of a man than dress.” He also said he hoped “each regiment will contend for the most soldierlike appearance” (223).

Our clothing communicates something about us. Many occupations have their own uniform that they need to wear for various reasons. I have a cousin who is the fire chief in Mobile, AL. A fireman has different parts to his uniform that he needs to carry with him, as well as other occupations.

Does God care what we wear? In a word – Yes. But it is more than what you may be thinking right now.

Let’s begin our answer to that question with the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22.

MATTHEW 22:1-14:

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Now, the Bible pictures the church as the bride of Christ. Paul says that he “betrothed” the Corinthian Christians to one husband, presenting them as a pure virgin, to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2). But how do we get prepared for that wedding? What clothes do we wear? There are two answers to that question and I want to spend most of my time on the second answer.

EPHESIANS 5:25-27:

Here, Paul points out that we are washed, sanctified, justified, and made holy through immersion in water, through baptism, through the washing of water with the word. Obeying the Gospel and specifically being baptized into Christ is what allows us to put on Christ, to put on our wedding garments that are so pure and white.

EPHESIANS 4:20-24:

Back in chapter 4, Paul discusses what we will look like if we put on Christ. That is, there are virtues that go with being clothed with Christ and that’s my main point. Does God care what you wear? Yes. Here is what a Christian needs to look like. Here is what your family should see in you, what your co-workers ought to see in you. This is the picture of a Christian, virtues that can be universal – they are available to everyone who has put on Christ.

Put on Christ in baptism and daily wear the virtues He calls on us to display. Then you’ll be prepared for the wedding feast in heaven (Revelation 19:6-9).

–Paul Holland

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